Yad Sdrawkcab Lanoitan
!Yad doog a si yadoT
January 31st is National Backwards Day – a time for us at My/Mochi Ice Cream to honor everything backwards. There are endless opportunities to reverse our usual routines and ways. Why? Because, whatever. Want to wear your shirt inside out? What about dessert for breakfast? Walk backwards? There are so many ways to celebrate this fun day that’s celebrated by those of all ages. So go ahead – adulting can wait. #playwithit
Did you know?
Blow your mind’s mind with this: according to the National Day Calendar, Leonardo da Vinci wrote backward. He wrote from right to left and also wrote his letters backward. Why’d he do this? Because, whatever.
Let us know how you plan to celebrate #YadSdrawkcabLanoitan and share the love on Insta by tagging @mymochi and #becausewhatever.