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My/Mochi at the Museum of Ice Cream… Again!

By: My/Mochi Ice Cream

Things got just even sweeter. After wildly successful openings in New York City and Los Angeles, the popular Museum of Ice Cream is prepping for its next opening in San Francisco on September 17th. And guess who’s participating yet again? My/Mo!

Visitors will be treated to a whimsical array of interactive narratives, including a candy garden, a Pop Rocks cave, a push-pop art installation, a cherry-on-top sky, and of course – a My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream tasting room, which will give your cravings their own craving.

Read more here on the Museum of Ice Cream San Francisco. Tickets go on sale on Friday, August 25th and will sell out soon, so don’t wait any longer. Hope to see you there!